Über T:Phil

What is Transformative Philosophy?

Transformative Philosophy (T:Phil) is an innovative enabling, consulting and training programme, designed to integrate ethical and socio-political competencies into the technological development process. By combining philosophical insights with technical expertise, T:Phil offers various formats (such as keynote discussion events, series of three workshops, or company-specific, intensive thinkathons) to help leaders make informed and reflective decisions. Our goal is to equip executives in the technology sector with a comprehensive understanding, clear visions, and an internal compass to navigate complex technological landscapes.

How did Transformative Philosophy originate?

The Transformative Philosophy program was developed in collaboration with over 20 international professors and experts, including members of the German Ethics Council and heads of the Office of Technology Assessment at the German Bundestag, presidents of leading international scientific societies among other leading experts of technology reflection. The foundation for Transformative Philosophy was laid by a three-year research project “Forms of Life in the Digitalized Lifeworld” (Lebensformen in der digitalisierten Lebenswelt, LeDiLe). As part of the Research Cluster “Integrated Research”, the project was funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF). The concept of Integrated Research is an advamced elaboration of the ELSI framework (Ethical, Legal, and Social Implications), which integrates ethical, legal, and social assessments with technology development.

Who leads Transformative Philosophy?

PD Dr. phil. Bruno Gransche is a renowned philosopher and futures studies expert at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Germany. He developed and leads Transformative Philosophy with the mission of making philosophy of technology accessible to those who actively shape technology. Gransche brings extensive experience in Technology Assessment and ethical technology design to the table. He previously worked in applied research at Fraunhofer in the field of systems and innovation research, foresight. As one of Germany's leading philosophers of technology and a philosopher-entrepreneur, he is engaged in science, politics and industry and is a speaker, expert and consultant in demand across disciplines and sectors.

Learn more: https://www.brunogransche.de/en